CADA is pleased that amendment has been made
CADA’s articles on current events and presentations.

CADA is pleased that amendment has been made
July 29, 2013, Hamilton Bermuda – CADA – Encouraging Responsible Alcohol Behavior today stated they were pleased that the Attorney General’s Chambers and the legislature have now applied the amendment to reinstitute the mandatory driving ban for those convicted of driving while over the legal limit of alcohol.
Making this statement today was CADA Chairman, Mr. Anthony Santucci, who stated, “CADA is gratified that the technical error, made in October last year, has now been corrected. We are pleased that the Attorney Generals chambers and the legislature have applied the needed amendment to reinstitute the mandatory driving ban for those convicted of driving while over the legal limit of alcohol. Drinking and driving is a dangerous and deadly practice. It is unacceptable worldwide, and carries severe penalties in most countries. Bermuda should be no different.”
Mr. Santucci continued, “There are alternatives to drinking and driving. Those who intend to drink should remember CADA’s message and put a plan in place before they leave home – ABCD, Always use Bus, Cab or Designated Driver.”