FOR ADULTS ONLY! Summer Campaign

FOR ADULTS ONLY! Summer Campaign
The average age for drinking alcohol regularly – 14 years old – Bermuda student survey.
CADA, during a joint press conference on July 14, 2011, launched its summer alcohol awareness campaign. CADA Chairnan Mr. Anthony Santucci said, “I am pleased to be here to talk about the summer alcohol awareness campaign which we are launching today. The print campaign is aimed at adults and is called “For Adults Only”. With the support of our Sponsors, Bermuda Blue Printing, Lindo’s Group of Companies, AF Smith and the Bermuda Post Office, 28,000 of these information cards will be delivered to every household in Bermuda. The information detailed here explains why it is important to keep alcohol out of the hands of children and young people.
“In the summer there tends to be lots of parties, BBQs and beaching. Adults consume alcohol during these events and store it in the home within easy access of children. Our aim is to remind parents and other responsible adults that it is not okay to give alcohol to children and young people, doing so could have long-term negative effects on the child.
“In a 2007 study of Bermuda’s youth, conducted by Department for National Drug Control, where 3,000 young people aged between 13 to 18 years old were surveyed, it was revealed that the average age for drinking alcohol regularly was 14 years old. The same study also revealed that 70% of 15 year olds had tried alcohol.
“These figures are troubling because it has been proven that youngsters who begin consuming alcohol before the age of 15 are 4 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence (alcoholism) than those who wait until age 21.
“CADA’s objective with this campaign is to put this information into everyones hand about what they can do to help prevent children and young people from drinking alcohol. Once again thank you to our Sponsors.”
“As an adult, here are more ways you can prevent and stop underage drinking:
Don’t keep alcohol in your house, or lock it up
Take the alcohol out of your fridge and lock it up. Or better yet, don’t keep alcohol in your house.
Have high expectations of your children
And tell your children what those expectations are. Tell them regularly what your expectations of them are, and there is strong likelihood that your children will begin to live up to your expectations. Tell them that you expect them to do well in school. Tell them that you expect them to refuse and stay away from alcohol or drugs. We must have expectations of our children and we must tell them what these expectations are.
Get your child involved in extra-curricular activities
Get your child involved in at least one sport or hobby and have them spend at least three hours/week with that sport/hobby. Additionally, enrol your child in some form of community service which they perform at least once/week.
Give love and praise to your children
Provide a high level of love and support to them, tell them you love them, spend time with them, listen to them. Be actively involved in helping them to succeed in school and in life.
Recognize good behaviour
Always let your children know how happy you are that they respect the rules of the household by praising them. Emphasize the things your children do right instead of focusing on what’s wrong. When parents are quicker to praise than to criticize, children learn to feel good about themselves, and they develop the self-confidence to trust their own judgment.”