Summer Alcohol Awareness Campaign
Summer Alcohol Awareness Campaign

CADA, Encouraging Responsible Alcohol Behavior, today announced the start of their Summer Alcohol Awareness Campaign
Making the announcement was CADA’s Chairman, Mr. Anthony Santucci, who said, “CADA’s board, staff and volunteers have been out and about around the island, this weekend, putting up banners and signs as a reminder to residents not to drink and drive. The two key messages we are focusing on this holiday period are ABCD – Always use Bus, Cab or Designated Driver and Adults Make the Difference Stop Underage Drinking. To view the Cup Match bus schedule for Route #7 click here. Or. To view Cup Match bus schedule for all other Routes click here.
“We encourage people, who plan to drink, to put a plan in place, before they leave home, ensuring they will get home safely. This way, they won’t have to be tempted to drive or ride while under the influence of alcohol. Our message is simple, public transportation will be available to and from the game on both days of Cup Match. Or, people can program into their cell phones the phone number of a taxi company or taxi driver, so when ready they can call for transportation.
Another option is to select a designated driver who will not consume alcohol and will be responsible for driving. The important message is, if you plan to consume alcohol have a plan in place to get home safely.”
Mr. Santucci added, “With the support of our sponsors, Gosling’s and Barritt’s Ltd., CADA will have a booth at the game on the second day of Cup Match. We will be giving away free water to anyone who stops by.”
Anthony Santucci stated, “CADA also recognizes that more alcohol than usual will be around and available during the Cup Match holiday weekend. As responsible adults, we have an obligation to ensure that alcohol does not get into the hands of our young people. It is harmful to give, buy or serve alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. Additionally, underage drinking is known to significantly increase the risk of a young person becoming addicted to alcohol. To see how to speak with children about alcohol, click here.
“In order to reduce the risk of children and young people drinking alcohol, during Cup Match and at any time during the year, we, as adults, should talk to them and let them know why alcohol is harmful for them. We should also model good alcohol behavior in front of them. To see how to speak with teenagers about alcohol click here